Information Security Governance

Our professional consulting team offers ISMS guidance to help enterprises get certified to ISO 27001 and control information security risks by improving management processes.

In the changing information security world,
ISSDU is here to provide you with suitable services

Our professional teams ensure that your business is always in the safest of hands.

Testing by Professional Teams

Customized Guidance Planning

Services Compliant with International Standards

Preventive Control of Information Security Risks

ISSDU's Information Security Governance Services

ISMS Consulting and Guidance

Provide comprehensive  ISMS Consulting and Guidance to help enterprises control information security risks

Our professional consulting team offers ISMS consulting and guidance to help enterprises get certified to ISO 27001 and control information security risks by improving management processesISO27001認證,控制資安風險

PIMS Personal Information Consulting and Guidance

Provide Personal Information Consulting and Guidance to help protect critical personal information

Our consulting team offers PIMS personal information consulting and guidance to help enterprises get certified to ISO 29100 and protect the critical personal information of customers and related parties by improving management processes

Information Security Training

Enhance employees' information security knowledge to reduce relevant risks

More than half of corporate information security risks stem from employee negligence and lack of information security awareness. Information security training can enhance employees' information security knowledge and reduce

ISSDU Provides You with Services that Fit Your Industry and Needs

We offer customized information security testing services