SIEM Security Information and Event Management Platform

In the changing information security world,
ISSDU is here to provide you with suitable services

Our professional teams ensure that your business is always in the safest of hands.

Testing by Professional Teams

Improved Network Environment Security

Services Compliant with International Standards

Professional Reports and Consulting Services

ISSDU's Information Security Solutions

uSecure SIP Security Intelligence Platform

Turning complexity into simplicity to grasp information security threats

Huge volumes of events are turned into easy-to-grasp visual information security intelligence through intelligent and efficient analysis.

uSecure RIM Security Risk Management System

Providing timely reporting and response measures to reduce asset risks

The system integrates warning information from SIEM/SOAR platforms for comparison with assets to better respond to information security threat events, quickly keeping track of information security operations.

uSecure Logs Storage and Management System

Log gathering‧Central storage‧Retrieval and search

Event source records and data in the corporate environment are gathered to allow for timely search and compilation of information security-related records through big data, facilitating the management of digital footprints.

ISSDU Provides You with Services that Fit Your Industry and Needs

We offer customized information security testing services